Emergency and Urgent Care Dentistry / First Aid
If you are having pain and need an emergency dentist, call us immediately before it gets worse! If it’s after hours, call us and follow the prompts to reach Dr. Gambetta. If it’s a true emergency, dial 9-1-1.
While Dr. Gambetta is more than just an emergency dentist, we are usually able to see most dental emergencies the same day they happen. Many dental emergencies, though not all, may be prevented by keeping your recommended and regularly scheduled appointments so that we can spot problems before they become emergencies and ruin your day. While most of our patients come regularly and so don’t need urgent care, we know that emergencies happen. When they do, we’ve got you.

- Rinse the mouth with warm water to clean out food that may be lodged.
- Call our office as soon as possible.

Bitten Lip or Tongue
- Apply direct pressure to the bleeding area with a clean cloth.
- If swelling is present, apply a cold compress.
- If bleeding doesn’t stop within 15 minutes, call our office or go to the hospital emergency room.

Chipped or Broken Tooth
- If sensitive to air, protect the tooth from further exposure to air or cold liquid by covering with sterile gauze.
- Call our office as soon as possible, especially if an exposed nerve is obvious.

Sensitivity to Hot or Cold Foods After Dental Treatment
Dental work may inflame the pulp of the tooth causing temporary sensitivity. Call us right away if you have any concerns or if the pain persists or worsens.

Filling or Crown Fell Out or Broke
- As a temporary measure, use over-the-counter DenTemp to reattach the crown or filling if they are intact. If they are not, save the crown to bring with you to our office.
- Call our office right away.

An abscess is an infection that can occur around the root of the tooth or in the space between the teeth and gums. This must be treated right away.
- Give our office a call.
- To ease pain and draw the pus toward the surface, rinse your mouth with a mild salt water solution (1/2 tsp of table salt in 8oz of water) several times a day until you see us.

Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums (gingiva). Gums become red, swollen, and may bleed while brushing the teeth. This is a preventable condition with proper brushing and flossing.
- Brush three times per day.
- Call our office right away.
- Over-the-counter antibacterial mouthwash may help.

Knocked-Out Tooth
- Immediately attempt to locate the lost tooth. Handle the tooth by the top (crown), not the root portion. If the tooth cannot be found, look in the mouth area where the tooth should be to make sure it is not driven into the soft tissue.
- If the tooth can be located and is dirty, rinse it gently in running water. Do not scrub it or remove any attached tissue fragments. Place the tooth in a cup of milk or sterile saline.
- Call us immediately. The tooth may remain viable for 30 minutes if properly preserved.

Sharp Pain When Biting Down on Food
There could be any number of causes for this pain: decay, a loose filling, a crack in the tooth, etc. Call us right away so that we can evaluate what the problem is.
Think Prevention!
Make sure to wear mouthguards and protective gear for contact sports and helmets for biking, skateboarding, and in-line skating. To learn more about how to keep your mouth in tip-top shape, check out our FAQ page.